
In a pdb file made of lines "ATOM .." (see attachment as I was unable
to obtain plain text with gmail) I would like to reposition the second
"W" from column 19 to 17 ( (Python numbering; in pdb numbering it
would be 20 18). I started with bold slices, then I was unable to
complete the script. Much obliged for help.

francesco pietra
# Sample line
# Slice indexes cut to the left of the corrresponding item index
#           1         2         3         4         5         6
# 012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 ...
# ATOM      1  W     W     1       0.690  35.960  33.300  1.00  0.00

data = open('out.', 'r')
outp = open('rect.out.', 'w')

for L in data:
   if L[19] == 'W':
     L = ????

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