
I have a list of lists. The number of sublists may vary. The sizes of
the sublists may also vary. For instance, here I have a list with 3
sublists of differing sizes.

 [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i']]

This list will never be any deeper than this one level.

What I would like to do is flatten this list, rearrange the items in
the new flattened list and then recreate the list of sublists with the
new content. I would like the sublists to have the same size and order
(relative to each other) as before.

My code below seems to work, but it feels a bit "hack'ish", and I
am concerned about efficiency - so I would appreciate suggestions.

Again, the number of sublists may vary, and sizes of sublists are not
always the same (there will always be at least one sublist).



Here is my working code so far.


#!/usr/bin/env python

from random import shuffle

def flatten_list(parts):
    """ flatten parts, and return index vals where to split """

    line = sum(parts, [])  # join all parts into one

    idx_vals = []
    idx = 0

    for item in parts:  # keep track of lengths/index values
        idx += len(item)

    return line, idx_vals

def rebuilt_lists(line, idx):
    """ rebuild list of list """

    new_list = [line[0:idx[0]]]

    for i in xrange(len(idx)-1):

    return new_list

def main():
    indi = [['a', 'b', 'c'], ['d', 'e'], ['f', 'g', 'h', 'i']]
    print 'indi    :', indi

    # flatten list of list
    new_indi, idx_vals = flatten_list(indi)
    print 'new_indi:', new_indi
    print 'lengths :', idx_vals

    # manipulate list
    print 'shuffling new_indi'
    print 'new_indi:', new_indi

    # rebuild list of lists
    new_list = rebuilt_lists(new_indi, idx_vals)
    print 'new_list:', new_list

if __name__ == '__main__':


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