On 12/1/2009 3:35 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
Lie Ryan a écrit :
On 11/28/2009 3:08 PM, The Music Guy wrote:

(snip the part about the proposed feature - which I don't like but
that's not the point)

projects rely on a lot of metaclassing for the automatic generation of
properties and methods, which saves tremendous amounts of coding.

If you use it a lot, it is likely 1) you have abused class syntax for
what should have been a dict or 2) what you need is to override
__getattr__/__getattribute__ and __setattr__

I have to totally disagree here. The way the OP uses metaprogramming is
a really common and handy solution in lots of frameworks, and
drastically reduces the need for boilerplate (and the potential for
bugs). It's *WAY* cleaner (readability, introspection, doc etc) and far
less error-prone than going the __getattr(ibute)__ / __setattr__, and
also way more efficient (from execution time POV).

I won't argue with the usefulness of metaclass, I agree that metaclass is the cleanest way to implement certain things; but the main point is the OP's use of getattr/setattr while he got full control of the namespace dictionary.

Using __getattr__ and __setattr__ to emulate attributes (usually
descriptors) that can be built at class creation time is IMHO what
should be labeled as an "abuse" (at best).


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