On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Victor Subervi <victorsube...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I get the following error:
>  /var/www/html/angrynates.com/cart/chooseOptions.py
>     8 from login import login
>     9 import string
>    10 import options
>    11 from particulars import optionsTables, addStore
>    12
> options undefined
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax (options.py, line 140)
>       args = ('invalid syntax',
> ('/var/www/html/angrynates.com/cart/options.py', 140, 85, " colorsTables,
> colorsNames = colors('products', 'specificTables', specificTables):\n"))
>       filename = '/var/www/html/angrynates.com/cart/options.py'
>       lineno = 140
>       msg = 'invalid syntax'
>       offset = 85
>       print_file_and_line = None
>       text = " colorsTables, colorsNames = colors('products',
> 'specificTables', specificTables):\n"
> I don't understand the 'text = "..." part of the last line.

It's the text of the specific line of code that caused the error, I think.

> Here's the line from the code:
>     colorsTables, colorsNames = colors('products', 'specificTables',
> specificTables):

The syntax error is that you have an illegal colon at the end of that
line. Remove that colon.

> No "text". I'm just calling a function and getting the results. Here's the
> pared-down function:
> def colors(callingTable, which='', specificTables=[]):

The error lies in the caller of colors().


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