Filip Gruszczyński a écrit :
I have just written a very small snippet of code and started thinking,
which version would be more pythonic. Basically, I am adding a list of
string to combo box in qt. So, the most obvious way is:

for choice in self.__choices:

But I could also do:

map(self.__choices, choicesBox.addItem)

this should actually be
  map(choicesBox.addItem, self.__choices)



[choicesBox.addItem(choice) for choice in self.__choices]

I guess map version would be fastest and explicit for is the slowest

I don't think so - there's at least the overhead of creating a useless list. But if you're after micro-optimization, there's an obvious one :

addItem = choicesBox.addItem
for choice in self.__choices:

Attribute lookup can be costly, specially when the attribute is a method.

Now unless you have a _very_ big choices list - which is probably not the case - the gain will still be marginal.

However, the first, most obvious way seems most clear to me

It is.

and I don't have to care about speed with adding elements to combo
box. Still, it's two lines instead of one, so maybe it's not the best.
So, which one is?

The first, obviously - and I'm the kind of guy that really dig obscure one-liners !-)

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