* Raymond Hettinger:
On Dec 4, 2:03 am, "Alf P. Steinbach" <al...@start.no> wrote:
Is this guaranteed to work in Python 3.x?

 >>> def foo(): pass
 >>> foo.blah = 222
 >>> foo.blah

Yes, function attributes are guaranteed to be writable:

Thanks to all, especially you and Terry.

To quote a suspected bot once rampaging the Microsoft groups, "my question has been answered!" :-)

Thread morphing:

Regarding my terminology, "routine" instead "function" that everybody except you remarked on, it is of course intentional. After all, my main language is C++. And nobody (well, very few) would accuse me of not knowing my C++. :-)

I use the term "routine" because I think the terminology influences what we can easily think of and what we therefore tend to use and/or discuss. In that respect I think people need to be educated to use more language independent, or Eiffel-like, or just historically original, terminology, because

  * "function" is misleading in itself (due to the hijacking of this term in
    mathematics), and

  * it gets worse when you can't reasonably talk about "co-functions" or
    "function-like functions". :-)

The devolution of terminology has been so severe that now even the Wikipedia article on this subject confounds the general concept of "routine" with the far more specialized term "sub-routine", which is just one kind of routine. It is of course OK with me that there is a default meaning, and that there are several different context dependendent meanings. I'm just mentioning this as an example that the terminology effectively constrains one's thinking, to the degree that even a moderately long encyclopedia article on the subject fails to mention or focus on the important aspects. Perhaps modern programmers should be forced to study Donald Knuth's TAOCP. Or something.


- Alf

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