On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Lacrima <lacrima.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I am learning TDD with Python and there is not much information about
> this topic. Python is shipped with unittest module. That is fine, but
> I also discovered other libraries: nose and py.test. They promise to
> make life yet easier for a developer. But I still can't figure out,
> which combination I should use them in.
> Nose seems simpler than py.test, but py.test offers more features. And
> both py.test and nose say that they do not replace unittest module,
> but extend it.
> So as I understand my choice should be nose + unittest, or py.test +
> unittest.
> And now I'd like to hear about best practices in TDD in Python. Maybe
> not best practices, but basic approach.
> So which tests should I write with unittest, which with nose or
> py.test? How should I combine them?
> I am learning Python and I need your advice.
> Thanks in advance.
> Sorry if my English isn't very proper

I use unittest, but mostly because its so close to junit and cppunit,
which I also use extensively. Having said that, it *is* in the standard
library and is a common denominator between all your options.

Geremy Condra

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