Simon Brunning wrote:

>On 5/4/05, Timothy Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>Simon Brunning wrote:
>>>The zip file is a generated artifact. I've always found it a good rule
>>>of thumb that you should keep source artifacts in your version control
>>>system, not generated artifacts.
>>version control systems are used for many purposes. it's just as
>>important to keep track of your packaged releases and documentation as
>>it is source code.
>>its also a very convenient method of keeping people up with the lastest
>Well, they may be used for many things, but what they are *good* at is
>what they were designed for. Use them to do a job that they *weren't*
>designed for, and they don't do so well.
don't do so well how.  all it does is keep of files and tracks their 

>The zip file essentially contains the whole system in on lump. Change
>the system, and naturally your users will have to download the whole
>lump again. (In my 'day job', I'm a Java web app developer. We keep
>the source for our systems in SVN, any 3rd party JARs, and our build
>scripts. We *used* to keep the installable WAR files in there too, but
>we've stopped doing that now, for this reason amongst others.)
but if it was just a dir, when they update from the svn at log in, all 
they do is download the extra\changed files. much much quicker then 
downloading a 4 meg uncompressed zip file.
there's no technical reason for this not to work that i can see, apart 
from py2exe's ability/inablity to not use a zip file.

>>i know i've seen what i'm asking for before, but no one seems to be able
>>to tell me.
>Sorry, but I'm not aware that py2exe can do this, or has ever been
>able to. Again, it's designed to build you a minimum-file-count
>distributable, and that's what it's good at.


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