In article <>,
vsoler  <> wrote:
>I recently read that many libraries, including Numpy have not been
>ported to Python 3.
>When do you think that Python 3 will be fully deployed?

It will never be fully deployed.  There will always be people out there who
haven't felt it necessary to upgrade their systems.

The question you should be asking is "when will the percentage of systems
without Python 3 be so small that I don't care about the customers I'll lose
if I switch?"

I can say personally that I still haven't seen any needs pressing enough to
upgrade my perfectly-function Ubuntu 8 system.  That means I can't even run
Python 2.6 code.  I'm still using 2.5.

>Should I stick, so far, to Python 2.6?

For development purposes, you should stick with the oldest version that will
actually run your code.  Every time you move to a more modern version, you're
leaving potential users/customers out in the cold.

        -Ed Falk,

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