On Dec 6, 8:46 pm, Benjamin Kaplan <benjamin.kap...@case.edu> wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 10:29 PM, W. eWatson <wolftra...@invalid.com> wrote:
> > See Subject.
> >    def StackImages(self):
> >        self.Upload("P")
> >        self.after_id = self.master.after(10000,self.GetFrameOne)
> > --
> >http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list
> I think this is close to winning an award for "least information
> provided". How are we supposed to know with the information you gave
> us? We don't know what package you're using, what type anything is, or
> even the purpose of that method. Try putting this line in there
> somewhere
> print type(self.master)
> and then open up the interactive interpreter, import whatever you need and do
> help(<type>.after)

True, though by *context* the after method looks like it takes a time
(probably in milliseconds, given its size), and a method, and calls
the method after that amount of time, and returning some process/
thread id to self.after_id.  Though if that's right, we still don't
know if its synchronous or not, if its calling it in a new thread or a
new process, etc etc.

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