On Wed, 25 Nov 2009 21:21:25 -0800 (PST), 
Nick Mellor <nick.mellor.gro...@pobox.com> wrote :

> I wasn't aware that Google used Python for running their Google groups
> servers. Can you confirm that? The only place
> I've seen Google explicitly use Python on their web front end is in
> the Google Ads tests.
> I am impressed by the responsiveness of lawrence.com, ljworld.com and
> others on the Django home page (http://www.djangoproject.com/)

I'm running two sites using Django which are certainly infinitely more
modest and much less visited than the ones you quote but which
nevertheless are extremely responsive compared to other frameworks
tested, using a single machine (http://nonlineaire.univ-lille1.fr/SNL/
and http://nonlineaire.univ-lille1.fr/GDR3070/).

Dr. Marco

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