On 2009-12-10, Rhodri James <rho...@wildebst.demon.co.uk> wrote:
> Ahem.  This is a newsgroup/mailing list, not IM.  I happen to have seen  
> this within half an hour of you posting it, but that's just luck.   
> Expecting an "immediate" response is unrealistic.
> Furthermore, this is comp.lang.python, a group right up there in pedantry  
> terms with cam.misc.  Wandering in and demanding "immediate" help is just  
> begging for half a dozen replies that give you detailed and mind-boggling  
> versions of exactly what you asked for, especially if it's got nothing to  
> do with the answer you actually need.

An exclamation point in a subject line also tends to act as an
excellent lighting rod...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! Gibble, Gobble, we
                                  at               ACCEPT YOU ...

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