> Hi,
> I happened upon this youtube link:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57nWm984wdY
> It fairly blew my socks off. In it a fellow by the name of David Roberts
> demos
> a zui written in Python. Aside from the zooming (which is impressive enough)
> it show embedding of images, pdf files, web pages and text.
> He says nothing about what toolkits were used or how it might have been
> done.
> It's Linux-based, but no other info. On some googling, I can only find a few
> bug reports on pypi related to pyQt. I would really like to find out how
> that
> ZUI was done, it's simply amazing.
> Any clues out there?

Youtube has a link 'Send message' on the profile of users, maybe
sending a message to the person who uploaded the video will give you a
useful response.


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