En Sat, 12 Dec 2009 01:04:42 -0300, Fire Crow <m...@firecrow.com> escribió:

I'm looking for an explanation of how explicit self is implimented and
what features are only possible because of, or are greatly improved,
because of it. I've always liked explicit self and am looking for the
computer science behind it, so that I can explain the benefits that I

See the FAQ [1]

I'm also interested in the files/lines of the python source that shows
how explicit self is implemented if anyone can point out where that
takes place.

Nowhere, I'd say. An *implicit* self would have to be implemented somewhere in the compiler -- but an explicit self doesn't. It's homogeneous, always name-dot-attribute; the name 'self' is not special at all.

[1] http://www.python.org/doc/faq/general/#why-must-self-be-used-explicitly-in-method-definitions-and-calls

Gabriel Genellina


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