On 12/14/2009 10:21 AM, exar...@twistedmatrix.com wrote:

I'm asking about why the behavior of a StopIteration exception being
handled from the `expression` of a generator expression to mean "stop
the loop" is accepted by "the devs" as acceptable.

Any unhandled exception within a loop stops the loop,
and the exception is passed to the surrounding code.

To continue your
comparison to for loops, it's as if a loop like this:

for a in b:

actually meant this:

for a in b:
except StopIteration:

No it does not. If c raises any exception, the loop stops *and* the exception is passed up to the surrounding code.

Note, I know *why* the implementation leads to this behavior.

You do not seem to know what the behavior is.
Read what I wrote last night.

Terry Jan Reedy


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