Victor Subervi wrote:
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 6:57 PM, r0g <> wrote:

Cookies in FF for Windows are stored in an sqlite database in here...

~\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\%XYZ%\firefox_profile\

Man, I searched C drive (the only drive) on this computer where I'm working
(Internet cafe) for "Application Data" and nuttin.

How are you searching? Microsoft is so sure we don't want to see the gory details that they hide all sorts of things, by default. And especially on a public computer, you shouldn't even look with Explorer. As for searching with Explorer, there are not only design problems, but bugs as well. Get a command line, and do something like:

    dir  /s  c:\Firefox

if you search directly for Application Data, you have to be sure to properly use quotes. You also need to add the /ah switch, since it's a hidden directory. So I cheat by searching for a subdirectory under it.

You can also find the appdata directory by looking at the environment variable USERPROFILE, switching to that directory, and descending directly into "application data" by using the tab key.

USERPROFILE=C:\Documents and Settings\davea

C:\>cd "Documents and Settings\davea"

C:\Documents and Settings\davea>cd "Application Data"

I got the last line by typing cd app then pressing the tab key (this adds the quotes and spaces for me)

Anyway, once you're in the Firefox directory, do:

C:\Documents and Settings\davea\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox>dir /s cook*

and you'll see the actual file.

You can also search for it from the root, but I have 13 files cookies.* and 8 cookies.sqlite

Incidentally, lots of interesting stuff is in the USERPROFILE directory, so it's a good thing to know how to quickly find. Different versions of Windows put it different places, but it ends with the logged-in user name. So user-specific data is typically stored there. Some versions of Python even include a directory under it in the sys.path directory list.



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