> Personally I see a merging of normal app windows and a zui: some kind of new
> window manager.
Have you seen Eagle Mode[1]?

[1] http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/

On Dec 17, 5:14 pm, Donn <donn.in...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 December 2009 07:03:19 David Roberts wrote:> It involves 
> scaling an image to various resolutions, and partitioning
> > them into fixed-size tiles. It's roughly the same technique used by
> > Google Maps/Earth.
> Thanks. That gives me something to go on. Wikipedia didn't like my search
> terms.
> > > ZUIs are useful for particular types of data - images & mapping
> > > especially - but I'd hate to have to navigate my desktop using its
> > > approach.
> Ever since Corel Draw in the 90's zoomed into my life I have been in love with
> the idea of an endless canvas that makes me feel like a satellite on a bungee
> cord. I think it would fit the desktop very well.
> Personally I see a merging of normal app windows and a zui: some kind of new
> window manager.
> If I planned it out it would look something like this:
> Your apps all run as they do now*, but they live on this endless plain.
> Perhaps it can be divided up into 'zones' or 'galaxies' or something. I would
> have a 'hyperspace' or 'hyperlink' or 'jump' facility (like alt-tab, I guess)
> to make transits from one custom-defined area to another quick.
> I would have a home position for the view -- like Inkscape does in terms of
> show all, zoom to selected, zoom to last, etc.
> I would have rules about traversing. Things like file-managers need some kind
> of static display - like the bread crumbs and up, back, home etc.
> Each app would only be active when 'locked-in', beyond that it's a bitmap of
> the last paint. You could drag apps around when you zoom out, and you can
> resize them at any time too.
> (Just imagine OOCalc in a zui! Super/Capslock and mouse wheel for scroll/pan)
> The other cool idea I had was to (handwavium here) graphically convey the
> notion of pipes and import/export between apps. Also between any nodes across
> the Universe of the zui. Perhaps a special 'node view' that overlays and shows
> all the conduits between them -- sharp where your mouse is, faded away from
> that so the whole thing is not too complex.
> Imagine the flow from Inkscape to Gimp and back. Instead of File -> Export and
> then File -> Import, you connect pipes along the side of each app.
> Inkscape, [save selected as png (properties preset)] goes to Gimp [import to
> layers by names (a script perhaps)] Now as you work in Inkscape and hit a
> hotkey, all your selected vectors are sent to Gimp which reacts as if you were
> there and places the new pngs into layers.
> This can work both ways and between multiple programs. Mix-in Blender and
> Scribus and Lyx and some grep and a loop or two and some imagemagick...
> Ah, I better stop. I can ramble on sometimes :)
> *I have many issues with the endless variety of re-invented wheels afa gui
> toolkits go. This is another whole can of shai-Hulud...
> I wrote some stuff about this a while back, if anyone wants to be put to 
> sleep:http://otherwise.relics.co.za/wiki/Particles/DreamDesignApp/
> :)
> \d
> --
> \/\/ave: donn.in...@googlewave.com
> home:http://otherwise.relics.co.za/
> 2D vector animation :https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/things/
> Font manager :https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/fontypython/


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