Hi Michael,

I'm new to the module multiprocessing, but at a first glance
it seems, that multiprocessing.Value can only be shared if
you create the second process from the first one.

Id like to start the first process from the command line and much later
the second process from the command line.

Is this possible?

thanks in advance and bye


Michele Simionato wrote:
> On Dec 18, 8:48 am, blumenkraft <vohs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I want to share dictionary between two distinct processes.
>> Something like this:
>> first.py
>> import magic_share_module
>> def create_dictionary():
>>     return {"a": 1}
>> magic_share_module.share("shared_dictionary",
>> creator.create_dictionary)
>> while True:
>>      pass
>> second.py
>> import magic_share_module
>> d = magic_share_module.get_shared("shared_dictionary")
>> print d["a"]
>> And then run in command line:
>> python first.py &
>> sleep 1
>> python second.py
>> I have looked at POSH, but it requires master process that will fork
>> childs. I want read-only sharing between completely unrelated
>> processes.
>> Is it possible?
> Yes, see http://docs.python.org/library/multiprocessing.html

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