MRAB wrote:
Victor Subervi wrote:

mysql> truncate tem126072414516;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Then I run a script:

  if whatDo == 'insert':
sql = 'insert into %s (ProdID, Quantity) values ("%s", "%s");' % (tmpTable, prodid, quantity)
      print sql

     Don't put values into an SQL statement using the "%" operator.  It doesn't
do SQL escapes and allows SQL injection attacks.

     Try something more like this (assuming that tmpTable does NOT come
from external input, which would be very risky).

        cursor = db.cursor()                    ## create cursor
        sql = 'insert into ' + tmpTable + ' (ProdID, Quantity) values (%s,%s);'
        values = (prodid, quantity)             ## values to insert
        print sql
        cursor.execute(sql, values)             ## let SQL do the substitution
        db.commit()                             ## commit transaction

1. The table names look different.
2. Did you commit the changes?

    That, too.

                                John Nagle

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