Il Sat, 19 Dec 2009 17:30:27 +1100, Lie Ryan ha scritto:

> On 12/19/2009 9:34 AM, mattia wrote:
>> Can you provide me a much pythonic solution (with comments if possible,
>> so I can actually learn something)?
> If you only need to get i'th element sometimes, sorting the dict is
> fine. Otherwise, you might want to use collections.OrderedDict.

Well, in the python doc OrderedDict is described as a dict that remembers 
the order that keys were first inserted and I don't need this. The fact 
is that I use a structure composed by a date and a list of possible 
solutions found, like
(2009/12/21, (('e', 12, 33), ('r', 4, 11), ('r', 1, 33))) then every 
solution is inserted concurrently in a dictionary. I want to sort the 
solution found to provide, e.g., the first 10 dates found and the best 
result of every date based on the i-th element of the date's list.

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