Yes, if you want instance variables that are unique to each instance of a
class, do the following:

class Parser:
    def __init__(self):
       self.items = []

And that should work fine.

J:\_Programming Projects\Python>python
<__main__.Parser object at 0x0240E7B0>
<__main__.Parser object at 0x02411930>


On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 10:10 AM, KarlRixon <> wrote:

> Given the following script, I'd expect p1.items to just contain
> ["foo"] and p2.items to contain ["bar"] but they both contain ["foo",
> "bar"].
> Why is this? Are object variables not specific to their instance?
> ---------------------------
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> class Parser:
>        items = []
>        def add_item(self, item):
>                self.items.append(item)
> p1 = Parser()
> p1.add_item("foo")
> p2 = Parser()
> p2.add_item("bar")
> print p1
> print p2
> print p1.items
> print p2.items
> ----------------------------
> Output:
> <__main__.Parser instance at 0x7fd812ccc098>
> <__main__.Parser instance at 0x7fd812ccc0e0>
> ['foo', 'bar']
> ['foo', 'bar']
> --

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