On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 3:26 PM, Stephen Hansen <apt.shan...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Sun, Dec 20, 2009 at 11:01 AM, Victor Subervi 
> <victorsube...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> If you want a piece of code to have a variable number of differing
>>> behaviors, that's something you can handle in many elegant ways. That's
>>> something inheritance is good for, with a core default behavior represented
>>> in one class and more specialized behavior represented in sub-classes. But
>>> either way, you have to tell it which class to create at the moment, which
>>> entails passing in a parameter explicitly activating one or the other. This
>>> is a good thing. Don't try to get around it.
>> Inelegant. This will be elegant:
>> ourFile = string.split(__file__, "/")
>> p = ourFile[len(ourFile) - 1]
>> p = p[: - 3]
>> site = ourFile[4][:-10]
>> if site != '':
>>   site = site[:-1]
>> from this import that(site)
>> Now it's automated.
> Since when is "automation" a synonym of "elegance"?
> Granted, elegance is something that will always be in the eye of the
> beholder-- but looking at that chunk of code, I can't even figure out what
> you're trying to do with it (or what that last 'from ...' line is even
> supposed to mean).

It's something to plug into any page anywhere and not have to worry about
tweaking it for a given page. Not reading further responses to this post.

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