En Tue, 22 Dec 2009 16:30:58 -0300, r0g <aioe....@technicalbloke.com> escribió:
Gabriel Genellina wrote:
En Mon, 21 Dec 2009 16:30:13 -0300, Pulkit Agrawal
<thatguypul...@gmail.com> escribió:

I am writing a script wherein I need to merge files into existing tar.gz
files. Currently, I am using tarfile module. I extract the tar.gz to a
tempdir and copy the new file there and re-compress all the files back
a tar.gz.  Is there a better way to do it?

Since noone answered yet: no, I don't think you can avoid to decompress
and recompress those files.

Erm, I always thought it was OK to simply cat gzipped files together...

Maybe, but still I don't think this could help the OP. As I understand the problem, originally there were e.g.: file1, file2, file3; they were tarred into file123.tar and gzipped into file123.tar.gz. And now file2 must be replaced by a newer version. It should go into the internal .tar file, replacing the old one; I don't see how to do that without decompressing it. (Ok, once the tar is decompressed one might replace the old file with the newer one in-place using the tar command, but this cannot be done with the tarfile Python module)

Gabriel Genellina


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