On 12/24/2009 11:51 PM, Jean-Michel Pichavant wrote:
But what he *can* do is to learn how importing works. I'm not sure
it's terribly helpful to tell somebody all the things they can't do
instead of what they can.

Hacking python imports would not be in the top of the list of things I
would teach to some python newcomer, that was my point.

And to be a little more constructive, let's give the OP a litle bit of

How can you unload module in python ?

That I don't know, anyone knows ?

Given that there is no way to ensure deconstruction of an object instance (`del` only removes the reference and __del__ can only remove the resources used by the instance but not the instance itself), why would anyone expect it is possible to unload a module explicitly (which is a deconstruction of the module)

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