All python docs and description indicate that optimization (-OO) does not do 
much anything except the removal off pydoc. A single "O" removes comments and 
asserts, and with the removal of pydoc with double "O" option the *.pyo byte 
compile is left with pure executable code.  I am experiencing a different 
behavior than described.
I am running Python 2.6.4 and have source code which I pre-compile either into 
pyc or pyo files depending on the optimization switch selected.  The pyo 
version fails to run with the main program module failing to import any other 
modules, such as failing on the "import os" statement (first line 
encountered).  However, the pyc version succeeds and runs correctly.  This is 
with the same code modules, same python VM and same machine.
One item I should note is that the Python distribution I am using is not fully 
installed with paths set by the installer.  I unpack the Python tar and compile 
it (i.e. ran configure and make; not make install).  Then I distribute the this 
Python VM, with its Lib and Modules dirs into my target machine (a Linux 
distro) and collocate my pyc or pyo modules at the root with python.
To further experiment, I have also compiled all python libraries to either pyc 
and pyo (e.g. os.pyc or os.pyo in the Modules dir).  If I then run with 
interactive python, I experience the same effect as executing from command 
line.  Under the IDE "import os" fails if I distribute with python modules 
compiled into pyo, but it succeeds if I distribute pyc modules.
This seems to be contrary to the documentation.  If the only difference was the 
removal of pydoc between pyc and pyo then both versions should behave exactly 
the same way.  There must be some additional modifications with a -OO compile.
Anyone can comment, please?


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