> Hi, all. My problem is:
> 1) I have a database(postgresql)
> 2)I'm getting some string from database(string is a classname -
> written by me).
> 3)I need to construct new object from this string.
> In java it's done by Class.forName().newInstance();
> For instance:
> 1)I receive the string: "MyObject".
> 2)o = MyObject();
> 3)o.myfunction();

Take a look at locals( ) and globals( ).

The detailed answer depends on whether the class is defined in an
imported module or is defined in the current namespace. From your
example it seems the latter.

Just in case it's the former, you could do this:

import module_with_your_class
astring = 'MyObject'
o = getattr( module_with_your_class, astring )

If the class is defined in the module where you are,

class MyObject: pass
astring = 'MyObject'
o = locals( )[astring]( )

If the class MyObject is not local, for example because you need 'o'
in a function body, you can try globals( ) instead of locals( ).


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