On 12/29/2009 5:10 AM, W. eWatson wrote:
Lie Ryan wrote:
If you're on Windows, don't use the "Edit with IDLE" right-click
hotkey since that starts IDLE without subprocess. Use the shortcut
installed in your Start menu.
When I go to Start and select IDLE, Saves or Opens want to go into
C:/Python25. I have to motor over to my folder where I keep the source
code. The code is in a folder about 4 levels below the top. That's a bit

I agree the "Edit in IDLE" not using subprocess is annoying. I personally considers this a bug in IDLE; I don't know whether there is any technical limitation why the "Edit with IDLE" submenu can't start python with subprocess, perhaps someone else can point something out.

What do subprocesses mean in this context? Why do I need them?

IDLE is written in python; when IDLE executes without subprocess, it will use IDLE's instance of the python.exe process to execute your script. That means you share the python.exe interpreter with IDLE itself.

When IDLE is started properly with subprocess, IDLE will fork a new python.exe subprocess to run your program.

When IDLE is not run with subprocess, running a script is equivalent
to copy and pasteing the script to the shell.
I just tried Ctrl+F6 on both the shell and script window. Nothing
happened. Does that occur only if I fired up Python from Start?


Does a restart clear out the namespace?

Yes it will, occasional restart will be useful if you write from the "Edit with IDLE" menu.

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