On Tue, Dec 29, 2009 at 9:33 AM, Steve Holden <st...@holdenweb.com> wrote:

> That's a bit like being told you have to produce something green, and
> then when you do, being told "no, not that green, a light green". So you
> produce something a lighter gree and then being told "no, a slightly
> redder green". And so on.
> In other words, you aren't giving us the whole picture here, and without
> the whole picture you will only ever get bits of the answer.

Later on I give you "the whole picture"...which you summarily toss in the
garbage can. What am I supposed to do with that??

> > #              print 'XXX', types[x]
> >               elif types[x][0:3] == 'set':
> >                 for f in field:
> >                   print '<td>AAA%s</td>\n' % (field)
> >                 else:
> >                   print 'YYY'
> >
> > 1) If I uncomment the commented line, it throws this error:
> >
> What happens if you *don't* uncomment the commented line?

As I mentioned, it prints BOTH the AAA and the YYY lines! The AAA is printed
with something like this:

> > [Tue Dec 29 00:58:10 2009] [error] [client]   File
> > "/var/www/html/angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts2.py
> > <http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts2.py>", line 138, referer:
> > http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts.py
> > [Tue Dec 29 00:58:10 2009] [error] [client]     elif
> > types[x][0:3] == 'set':, referer:
> > http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts.py
> > [Tue Dec 29 00:58:10 2009] [error] [client]        ^,
> > referer: http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts.py
> > [Tue Dec 29 00:58:10 2009] [error] [client] SyntaxError:
> > invalid syntax, referer: http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts.py
> > [Tue Dec 29 00:58:10 2009] [error] [client] Premature end
> > of script headers: enterProducts2.py, referer:
> > http://angrynates.com/cart/enterProducts.py
> >
> I am presuming that this is copied from an Apache error log, though you
> don't bother to say so.

No. I just copied and pasted stuff from a previous post. I did that because
I've noticed when someone posts something irrelevant, the substance of my
posts sometimes gets buried. I should have edited this garbage out.

> The issue here is that you can't just stick print statements in anywhere
> you like. Consider the following Python:
> if a == 3:
>    print "A is 3"
> print "Debugging"
> elif a == 4:
>    print "A is 4"
> else:
>    print "A is neither 3 nor 4"
> If you comment out the 'print "Debugging"' line you have a perfectly
> acceptable program. If you don't then you have something that is close
> to Python, but not close enough for the interpreter to be able to
> compile it.

Duh. I might not be too sharp, but give me a little more credit than that,
Steve. Come on.

> What's happening with your (CGI?) program is that the syntax error you
> have induced by inserting a random print statement causes an error
> message to be produced instead of your program's output; this doesn't
> look like HTTP headers. So the web server complains that your program
> has produced output that shouldn't be sent to any self-respecting browser.


> I further presume (though again I don't believe you bother to report it
> anywhere) that you see an "Error 500" or similar message in your web
> browser when you try and access the web page.

Yes. I believe that's it.

> > 2) AAA prints out before the following fields:
> > AAASet(['Extra-small'])
> > AAASet(['purple:50404D'])

And the above is the answer to your previous question. This makes me think
you really rushed through this. You are a very helpful person, but please
either take the time necessary or don't answer. That is, respond only when
you have the time to devote to giving a good and thoughtful answer. It's
evident you didn't do that here...and you're blaming me for it. Wrong!

> >
> > 3) YYY *also* prints out twice!!
> >
> > Here's the complete code once again:
> >
> [complete code snipped]
> >
> > TIA,
> > beno
> >
> Sorry, I don't intend to read all that code when the error you are
> reporting is in fact a clear demonstration that you need to further
> understand the principles of both Python and the web before you continue
> on your journey.

Again, I know I'm really slow when it comes to this material. But I didn't
start hacking (and it is hacking) Python code yesterday. I'm almost ashamed
to admit it, but I've been at it 10 years. Again, I might be slow, but I
don't think that gives you the right to tell me to go back to kindergarten.
Help me out here. Or maybe somebody else will.

Let me restate the problem:

I'm using python 2.4.3 which apparently requires that I import Set:
from sets import Set
I've done this. In another script I successfully manipulated MySQL sets by
so doing. Here's the code snippet from the script where I was able to call
the elements in a for loop:

          if isinstance(colValue[0], (str, int, float, long, complex,
unicode, list, buffer, xrange, tuple)):
              html = "<b>%s</b>: <select name='%s'>" % (col, col)
              notSet = 0
              for itm in colValue[0]:
                  color, number = itm.split(':')
                  html += "<option name='%s'>%s</option>" % (itm, color)
                  html += "<option name='%s'>%s</option>" % (itm, itm)

However, when I try that in my current script, the script fails. It throws
no error, but rather just quits printing to the screen. Here's the code

              elif types[x][0:3] == 'set':
                for f in field:
                  print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field)
                print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field)

Notice that I can slice to determine if it's a set (I've printed something
after that call to be sure). But once I try to loop through the set it quits
printing to screen.

Here's the full code again:

#! /usr/bin/python

import MySQLdb
import cgi
import sys,os
from login import login
from sets import Set

def enterProducts2():
  print '''Content-type: text/html

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='enterProducts3.py'
  form = cgi.FieldStorage()
  store = form.getfirst('store')
  print "<input type='hidden' name='store' value='%s' />" % store
  user, passwd, db, host = login()
  count = 0
  count2 = 0
  db = MySQLdb.connect(host, user, passwd, db)
  cursor = db.cursor()
  cursor.execute('select ID from %s;' % store)
  test = cursor.fetchall()
  if len(test) > 0:
    cursor.execute('show columns from %s;' % store)
    colNames = [itm[0] for itm in cursor]
    types = [itm[1] for itm in cursor]
    colNamesWithCommas = ', '.join(colNames)
      cursor.execute('select ID from %s;' % store)
      ids = cursor.fetchall()
      if store == 'prescriptions':
        cursor.execute('show tables like "%PersonalData";')
        personalDataTables = [itm[0] for itm in cursor]
        personalDataTables = []
      print '<h1>%s</h1>\n<table><tr><td>\n' % (store[0].upper() +
      print '<h3>What do you want to do?</h3>\n<table><tr><td>\n'
      print "<input type=radio name='whatDo' value='insert' />Add<br />\n"
      print "<input type=radio name='whatDo' value='update' />Update<br
      print "<input type=radio name='whatDo' value='delete' />Delete<br
      print '</td></tr></table>\n<br /><br />\n'
      print '<table border=1>\n'
      print '<tr>\n'
      print '<th align=center><b>Check</b></th>\n'
      i = 0
      while i < len(colNames):
        if i == 0: # This is the ID field
          print '<th align=center><b>', colNames[i], '</b></th>\n'
            cursor.execute('describe relationships%s;' % (store[0].upper() +
            relationshipsDescription = cursor.fetchall()
            cursor.execute('select * from relationships%s where %sID="%s";'
% (store[0].upper() + store[1:], store[0].upper() + store[1:], ids[0][0]))
            relationshipFields = cursor.fetchone()
            j = 0
            for relDescrip in relationshipsDescription:
              if j != 0: # Skip the store ID
                print '<th><b>%s Name</b></th>\n' % (relDescrip[0][:-2])
              j += 1
            pass # There are no relationships
          print '<th align=center><b>', colNames[i], '</b></th>\n'
        i += 1
      print '</tr>\n'
      j = 0
      z = 3
      a = 0
      for id in ids:
        a += 1
        j += 1
        for d in id:
          bg = ['#ffffff', '#d2d2d2', '#F6E5DF', '#EAF8D5']
          z += 1
          print '<tr bgcolor="%s">' % bg[z % 4]
          cursor.execute('select * from %s where ID=%s;' % (store, str(d)))
          col_fields = cursor.fetchall()
          col_fields = col_fields[0]
          tmp = []
          for field in col_fields:
          col_fields = []
          for field in tmp:
          i = 0
          x = 0
          y = 0
          w = 0
          for field in col_fields:
            if colNames[x] == 'SKU':
              sku = field
            if colNames[x][:3] == 'pic':
              y += 1
              w += 1
              print '<td><input type="hidden" name="%s" />\n' % str(x)
#                im = Image.open(getpic)
#                width, height = im.size()
#                for infile in sys.argv[1:]:
#                  outfile = os.path.splitext(infile)[0] + "_thumb.jpg"
#                  if infile != outfile:
#                    try:
#                      im = Image.open(infile)
#                      im.thumbnail((128, (width/128)*height),
#                      im.save(outfile, "JPEG")
#                    except IOError:
#                     print "cannot create thumbnail for ", infile
#                print '<img src="%s"><br /><br /></td>\n' % (outfile)
              print '<img src="getpic.py?store=%s&pic=%d&id=%s"
width="100"></td>\n' % (store, w-1, ids[0][0])
              count2 += 1
              if x == 0:
                # This is the ID field
                d = id[0]
                check = 'check' + str(d)
                i += 1
                print '<td><input type="checkbox" name="', check, '"
value="', field, '" /></td>\n'
                print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field)
                if personalDataTables != []:
                  i = 0
                  for relField in relationshipFields:
                    if i != 0: # The first value is the same as d
                      sql = 'select FirstName, LastName from %sPersonalData
where ID="%s";' % (relationshipsDescription[i][0][:-2].lower(), relField)
                      names = cursor.fetchone()
                      print '<td>%s %s</td>\n' % (names[0], names[1])
                    i += 1
              elif types[x][0:3] == 'set':
                for f in field:
                  print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field)
                if (isinstance(field, str)) and (len(field) > 60):
                  print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field[:60] + '...')
                  print '<td>%s</td>\n' % (field)
            x += 1
      print '</tr><tr>\n'
      print '<td align=center colspan=', len(colNames) + 1, '>\n'
      print '</td></tr></table>\n'
      print '<input type="hidden" name="count" value="%s" />\n' % count2
      print '<input type="submit" value=" Send " />\n'
      print 'There is no data yet. Please add a product.\n<br /><br />'
      print "<input type='hidden' name='whatDo' value='insert' />\n"
      print '<input type="submit" value=" Add " />\n'
    print 'There is no data yet. Please add a product.\n<br /><br />'
    print "<input type='hidden' name='whatDo' value='insert' />\n"
    print '<input type="submit" value=" Add " />\n'
  print '''


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