On Dec 30, 11:06 am, samwyse <samw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Dec 30, 10:00 am, Brian D <brianden...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > What I don't understand is how to test for a valid URL request, and
> > then jump out of the "while True" loop to proceed to another line of
> > code below the loop. There's probably faulty logic in this approach. I
> > imagine I should wrap the URL request in a function, and perhaps store
> > the response as a global variable.
> > This is really more of a basic Python logic question than it is a
> > urllib2 question.
> There, I've condensed your question to what you really meant to say.
> You have several approaches.  First, let's define some useful objects:>>> 
> max_attempts = 5
> >>> def do_something(i):
>         assert 2 < i < 5
> Getting back to original question, if you want to limit the number of
> attempts, don't use a while, use this:
> >>> for count in xrange(max_attempts):
>         print 'attempt', count+1
>         do_something(count+1)
> attempt 1
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#55>", line 3, in <module>
>     do_something(count+1)
>   File "<pyshell#47>", line 2, in do_something
>     assert 2 < i < 5
> AssertionError
> If you want to keep exceptions from ending the loop prematurely, you
> add this:
> >>> for count in xrange(max_attempts):
>         print 'attempt', count+1
>         try:
>                 do_something(count+1)
>         except StandardError:
>                 pass
> Note that bare except clauses are *evil* and should be avoided.  Most
> exceptions derive from StandardError, so trap that if you want to
> catch errors.  Finally, to stop iterating when the errors cease, do
> this:
> >>> try:
>         for count in xrange(max_attempts):
>                 print 'attempt', count+1
>                 try:
>                         do_something(count+1)
>                         raise StopIteration
>                 except StandardError:
>                         pass
> except StopIteration:
>         pass
> attempt 1
> attempt 2
> attempt 3
> Note that StopIteration doesn't derive from StandardError, because
> it's not an error, it's a notification.  So, throw it if and when you
> want to stop iterating.
> BTW, note that you don't have to wrap your code in a function.
> do_something could be replaced with it's body and everything would
> still work.

I'm totally impressed. I love elegant code. Could you tell I was
trained as a VB programmer? I think I can still be reformed.

I appreciate the admonition not to use bare except clauses. I will
avoid that in the future.

I've never seen StopIteration used -- and certainly not used in
combination with a try/except pair. That was an exceptionally valuable

I think I can take it from here, so I'll just say thank you, Sam, for
steering me straight -- very nice.

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