I want to save some sensitive data (passwords, PIN numbers, etc.) to
disk in a secure manner in one of my programs.  What is the
easiest/best way to accomplish strong file encryption in Python?  Any
modern block cipher will do: AES, Blowfish, etc.  I'm not looking for
public key stuff; I just want to provide a pass-phrase.

I found a few modules out there, but they seem to be all but abandoned.
 Most seem to have died several years ago.  The most promising package
is A.M. Kuchling's Python Cryptography Toolkit

Is this the defacto Python encryption solution?  What does everyone
else use?  Any other suggestions?  The SSLCrypto package
(http://www.freenet.org.nz/python/SSLCrypto/) may be a good alternative
too, but I am not sure if it is actively maintained.



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