In article <>,
 Benjamin Kaplan <> wrote:
wxpython installs a "wxversion" module which has functions like
getInstalled(), ensureMinimal(version), and select(version). You can
call before importing wx and it will make sure that
the correct version is imported. You might want to look up what they

I can imagine what they did: explicitly imports the desired wxwindows module using __import__(), then assigns it to sys.modules["wxwindows"]. A good idea!

Ned Deily wrote:
Also, setuptools (and, its successor, distribute, which supports Python 3) allow the installation and management of multiple versions of a package within one python site-library instance.

That sounds lovely too, but I can't figure out what facility setuptools / distribute permits that. Could you be more specific? A link to the documentation for this feature would be much appreciated.



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