Quentin Crain wrote:

> I am being told by my systems people that the load on
> the NFS servers is nasty. Our python installs are up
> on NFS. Also, on a bureaucratic note, I have very
> little input/control into the python builds (sigh).
> I have found the following (linux):
> strace -f -F python2.2.2 -c 'pass' |& fgrep '(No such
> file or directory)' | wc -l
>  ===> 57
> strace -f -F python2.4 -c 'pass' |& fgrep '(No such
> file or directory)' | wc -l
>  ===> 161
> Whoa!! After looking at what is being stat'd or
> open'd, it looks like 'encodings' is new in 2.4 and,
> even "worse", everything is looked for as a zip first.

so why not build that ZIP?

ask your administrators to do this:

    $ su
    # cd /usr/local/lib/python2.4
    # zip -0 python24.zip *.pyc */*.pyc */*/*.pyc
    # mv python24.zip ..
    # ^D

and see if that helps (tweak the paths as necessary)



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