ok, i am updating my program from my svn - this works, however, i am 
getting the following error when i close the program. the zip file 
successfully updates, so i'm curious as to the meaning of this.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Main.pyo", line 820, in ValidateLogin
  File "Main.pyo", line 863, in ShowMainFrameItems
  File "glob.pyo", line 22, in glob
  File "glob.pyo", line 50, in glob1
  File "fnmatch.pyo", line 42, in filter
zipimport.ZipImportError: bad local file header in Z:\temp\library.zip

not that once i have finished client.update(''), it has successfully 
updated the zipfile, i open a dialoge box saying "click ok and restart 
program" AFTER i click on the above error pops up and my app shuts down 
as intended.


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