On 2010-01-06, r0g <aioe....@technicalbloke.com> wrote:

> NO! It's a rude way to start a sentence don't you think?

No.  When somebody asks a yes/no question, answering yes or no
seems quite polite to me.  Following the yes/no answer with an
explanation of the answer is always nice, and I've little doubt
that's what happened.

> Just because you're correcting someone doesn't mean you have
> to be combative and try and make them feel small.

Answering a yes/no question with "no" doesn't seem to me to be
combative if the correct answer is indeed "no".  But I've lost
track of the post you found objectionable...

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow! And then we could sit
                                  at               on the hoods of cars at
                               visi.com            stop lights!

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