On Wed, Jan 6, 2010 at 12:29 PM, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:

> Victor Subervi wrote:
>> Hi;
>> I get this error:
>>  /var/www/html/angrynates.com/christians/cart/simplemail/mail.py <
>> http://angrynates.com/christians/cart/simplemail/mail.py>
>>  153 </head>
>>  154 <body>'''
>>  155 commitSale()
>>  156 myMail()
>>  157 print '''
>> commitSale = <function commitSale>
>>  /var/www/html/angrynates.com/christians/cart/simplemail/mail.py <
>> http://angrynates.com/christians/cart/simplemail/mail.py> in commitSale()
>>   98     cursor.execute('select max(ID) from %sCustomerData;' % store)
>>   99     custID = cursor.fetchone()[0]
>>  100   customerData(store, tmpTable, custID, patientID)
>>  101
>>  102 def myMail():
>> global customerData = <function customerData>, global store = 'products',
>> tmpTable = 'tem12627568064', custID = 1, global patientID = 'None'
>>  /var/www/html/angrynates.com/christians/cart/customerData.py <
>> http://angrynates.com/christians/cart/customerData.py> in
>> customerData(store='products', tmpTable='tem12627568064', custID=1,
>> patientID='None')
>>   39 <body>
>>   40 """
>>   41   print """
>>   42   print '<h1 align="center">%s Customer Data</h1>' %
>> (store[0].upper() + store[1:])
>>   43   cursor.execute('describe %sCustomerData' % store)
>> store = 'products'
>> ValueError: unsupported format character '(' (0x28) at index 54
>>      args = ("unsupported format character '(' (0x28) at index 54",)
>> Apparently that character is a "file separator", which I presume is an
>> invisible character. I tried retyping the area in question, but with no
>> avail (threw same error). Please advise. Complete code follows.
>>  Please provide the actual code (and, preferably, an easier-to-understand
> traceback, like what CPython does!). What you supplied isn't runnable.

I ended up working around this problem another way. Thanks.

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