> I am using PIL for image processing in ubuntu 9.04. When i give two
> im.show() commands for two different images, the second image is not
> displayed (eye of gnome is the display program). It says no such file
> or directory. Any ideas?

  Suresh .... 

    I also had problems with  show()  when using eye of gnome
    as the image viewer with your code but no problems using 
    the  display  viewer from the imagemagick package ....

      im.show( command = 'eog' )        #    problems
      im.show( command = 'display' )    # no problems

# ----------------------------------------------------------


    NewsGroup .... comp.lang.python
    Subject ...... PIL show() not working for 2nd pic
    Date ......... 2010-01-07
    Post_By ...... suresh.amritapuri
    Edit_By ...... Stanley C. Kitching

import math
import Image

list_source = [
    'image/beach.tif' ,
    'image/colors.tif' ]

list_target = [ ]

def neg( x ) :
    return 255 - 1 - x

def logtr( x ) :
    y = math.log( 1 + x , 10 )
    print y
    return y * 100

for this_image in list_source :
    im_source  = Image.open( this_image )
    im_neg     = im_source.point( neg )
    im_logtr   = im_source.point( logtr )

    list_target.append( im_source )
    list_target.append( im_neg )
    list_target.append( im_logtr )

for this_image in list_target :
    this_image.show( command = 'display' )

# ----------------------------------------------------------

Stanley C. Kitching
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona


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