Hi Python gurus,

I'm quite new to Python and have a problem. Following code resides in
a file named test.py
import unittest

class result(unittest.TestResult):

class tee(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_first(self):
        print 'first test'
        print '-------------'
    def test_second(self):
        print 'second test'
        print '-------------'
    def test_final(self):
        print 'final method'
        print '-------------'

r = result()
suite = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromName('test.tee')



Following is the output when I run it
final method
first test
second test
final method
first test
second test


Looks like it's running every test twice, I cannot figure out why?
Shouldn't output be more like

final method
first test
second test

Please help me solve the problem. Thanks in advance.

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