On Jan 14, 2:05 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <gagsl-...@yahoo.com.ar>
> En Wed, 13 Jan 2010 05:15:52 -0300, Paul McGuire <pt...@austin.rr.com>  
> escribió:
> >> vsoler wrote:
> >> > Hence, I need toparseExcel formulas. Can I do it by means only of re
> >> > (regular expressions)?
> > This might give the OP a running start:
> > from pyparsing import (CaselessKeyword, Suppress, ...
> Did you build those parsing rules just by common sense, or following some  
> actual specification?

Leave your common sense with the barkeep when you enter the Excel
saloon; it is likely to be a hindrance. The specification is what
Excel does.

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