On Thu, 14 Jan 2010 18:36:12 +0000, MRAB wrote:

>> And here are your unit tests.  Every line should print "True".
>> print ishex('123') is True
>> print ishex('abc') is True
>> print ishex('xyz') is False
>> print ishex('0123456789abcdefABCDEF') is True
>> print ishex('0123456789abcdefABCDEFG') is False
> Don't use 'is', use '=='.

I beg to differ. In this case, since ishex is intended to return True or 
False and not 1.0 or Decimal(0), the correct test for the purposes of 
unit-testing is the identity test, not equality.

However, for the purposes of *displaying* the result, rather than saying:

print ishex('123') is True

one should obviously say:

print ishex('123') is True is True

No, wait, that should be:

print ishex('123') is True is True is True

No wait, this is better:

print ishex('123') is True is True is True is True


Seriously, just say print ishex('123'). It already returns True or False, 
you don't need to compare it to True or False to get a True or False 

> BTW, ishex('') should return False.

Only if you want to be inconsistent with other isFoo string functions:

>>> ''.isalpha()
>>> ''.isupper()
>>> ''.islower()
>>> ''.isspace()

Also, if ishex(s) returns True, then a reasonable person will expect that 
calling int(s, 16) should succeed. But if s is the empty string, it will 


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