Sorry Maurice, apparently in bash its "ulimit" (no n). I don't use bash, so I 
don't know all of the differences offhand. Try that.


On Friday 06 May 2005 03:02 pm, Maurice LING wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> thanks for your help.
> Yes, I'm using Mac OSX 1.3 with 256MB Ram. Each element in the list is a
> float. The list is actually a retrieved results of document IDs from
> SOAP interface. And Mac OSX does not have 'unlimit' command as shown,
> Maurice-Lings-Computer:~ mauriceling$ unlimit
> -bash: unlimit: command not found
> Maurice-Lings-Computer:~ mauriceling$ which unlimit
> Maurice-Lings-Computer:~ mauriceling$ sh unlimit
> unlimit: unlimit: No such file or directory
> Maurice-Lings-Computer:~ mauriceling$
> Cheers
> Maurice

James Stroud
UCLA-DOE Institute for Genomics and Proteomics
Box 951570
Los Angeles, CA 90095

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