Duncan Booth wrote:
MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:

Duncan Booth wrote:
MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:

I raise you one character:

ishex2 = lambda s: not(set(s)-set(string.hexdigits))     # Yours
ishex3 = lambda s: not set(s)-set(string.hexdigits)      # Mine

I could actually go three better:

ishex3=lambda s:not set(s)-set(string.hexdigits)
But none of those pass your own "ishex('') should return False" test.
Neither do the others!

That's true, but since you were the one that pointed out they were all broken I would have thought your solution should actually work.

I'm sure you'll agree that a longer solution that works trumps any short but broken solution.

I believe that the rules of the character-counting game don't require
correctness, only that it's no worse.

A real solution would use 'def', have a docstring, etc, of course.

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