John Bokma wrote:
"W. eWatson" <> writes:

This is a follow up to my post "Changing Lutz's mydir.  It would seem
there should be some sort of toolbox that allows one to do things like
mydir, and perhaps a lot more. Maybe something like it exists in
Linux. I'm a Windows user. I've found it a bit aggravating that using
dir and help, for example, that the output just rolls on off the
screen and I have to play around with the shell scroll bars to find
what I'm looking for. A few simple changes to mydir should change
that, but I would hope or think maybe there are even more tools to
generally help.

on the command prompt:

cmd | more

Apparently, not in IDLE under Win.
>>> dir() | more
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#42>", line 1, in <module>
    dir() | more
NameError: name 'more' is not defined

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