alex23 wrote:
> Actually, if you're using Python 2.6+/3.x, you can effectively skip
> steps 1-5, as these versions now support user site-packages.
> Rather than create a Module folder and modify your PYTHONPATH, add (if
> it doesn't exist already) the following folder:
> %APPDATA%/Python/Python26/site-packages
> Modules can sit directly in the folder, or within packages.
> For more details:

That requires a directory whose name embeds the Python version number, which is the evil from which I flee, or rather sought to flee. Imagine if all your C++ code had to go into directories that were named for some specific C++ compiler. It's just WRONG. It's a maintenance nightmare to have a bunch of different source files that all have to be updated whenever you fix a bug or add a feature.

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