superpollo wrote:

> superpollo ha scritto:
>> hi.
>> what is the most pythonic way to substitute substrings?
>> eg: i want to apply:
>> foo --> bar
>> baz --> quux
>> quuux --> foo
>> so that:
>> fooxxxbazyyyquuux --> barxxxquuxyyyfoo
>> bye
> i explain better:
> say the subs are:
> quuux --> foo
> foo --> bar
> baz --> quux
> then i cannot apply the subs in sequence (say, .replace() in a loop),
> otherwise:
> fooxxxbazyyyquuux --> fooxxxbazyyyfoo --> barxxxbazyyybar -->
> barxxxquuxyyybar
> not as intended...

If you want to avoid regular expressions:

def replace_many(s, pairs):
    if len(pairs):
        a, b = pairs[0]
        rest = pairs[1:]
        return b.join(replace_many(t, rest) for t in s.split(a))
        return s

assert replace_many("abc", ["ab", "bc", "ca"]) == "bca"
assert (replace_many("fooxxxbazyyyquuux",
                     [("quuux", "foo"), ("foo", "bar"), ("baz", "quux")])
        == "barxxxquuxyyyfoo")

Not tested.


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