I am sorry, may be I have not explain my mind clearly.
But I just want a tool like this : It can change the variable name into 
meaningless ones.
I know it will not be safe enough, but I need one.
So I ask for help.
Thank you !!

Robert Kern wrote:
>Lily Kakm wrote:
>>when I distribute my software, I will give the users .pyc file (maybe I 
>>can use py2exe, but I think there's no essential different), because I 
>>don't like them to know my source code.
>>But actually, through .pyc file is not so directly as .py file, but the 
>>user can also easily guest the detail of the program. Because in the .pyc 
>>file, the name of the variables are exist.
>>I ask you for a tool. Maybe it can hide the name of the variables.

That's not going to provide you any security. Any competent attacker
won't care what you name the variables.

If you want real security, don't distribute your code. Expose the
critical parts as a web service (or similar) instead.

If you want pretend security, .pycs or py2exe executables are enough.

>For example:
>good_node = 100
>bad_node = 500 - good_node
>Using this tool, it can be like this :
>xxxxxxxxxx = 100
>xxxxxxxxxy = 500 - xxxxxxxxxx
>It has the same function, but it can not easily be seen by the users.

Reads just fine to me.

>Do you know where to download a tool like this.

You ask an open source software community for a free tool to keep your
source proprietary? High expectations.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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