Gilles Ganault wrote:
On Fri, 22 Jan 2010 09:49:32 -0500, Dave Angel <> wrote:
Seems to me the other solutions I've seen so far are more complex than needed. I figure you either want an unordered list, in which case you could use random.shuffle(), or you want a list that's sorted, but starts somewhere in the middle, at an arbitrary place, goes to the end, and wraps back to the beginning. So use random.randint() to choose an index within the list, and concatenate two slices of the list, based on that index in reverse order.

Yes, this is exactly what I need: Start listing items from a given
index (actually, using a character since the list contains names) all
the way to the end of the list; If the character wasn't the very
first, go back to the first time and display the list until we get to
the current character.

Python is so feature-rich, I'm sure there's a much simpler way to do
this than this crappy code of mine:

connected = []

index = 0
for item in connected:
        #For testing purposes;
        #Final code will read/increment character from file
        if item[index] == "b":
                index = index + 1

#Print items between current character and end of list
tempindex = index
while(tempindex < len(connected)):
        print connected[tempindex]
        tempindex = tempindex + 1

#if current letter not first character,
#display beginning of list up to current character
if index != 0:
        tempindex = 0
        while tempindex < index:
                print connected[tempindex]
                tempindex = tempindex + 1

Thank you for any help

Your code would fail if you picked a letter for which there were no entries. That's easily fixed, just use >= instead of == in your if test.

Jean-Michel Pichavant post implements my second option. So I'll borrow his code here.

But apparently you want my third option: random starting place, but with all the names starting with the same character together. To get that, but with the distribution proportional to the number of names that start with the given character, you need to get the index in two stages. First use the random.randint(). Then do a search for the first name that starts with that same character. For that, I borrow from Duncan Booth, and use bisect.bisect().

import random, bisect

connected = sorted( ['jj', '0test', '3test', 'aa', 'aj', 'bb', 'bz', 'dc', 'df'] )

def getNewOrder(myList):
   index = random.randint(0,len(myList)-1)
   startch = myList[index][0]
   pos = bisect.bisect_left(myList, startch)
   print index, myList[index], pos, myList[pos]
return myList[pos:] + myList[:pos] # using slicing instead of list comprehension (suggested by DaveA)

print connected
for i in range(6):
   print getNewOrder(connected)

I have the extra print inside the function to show (for example) that if 'aj' is picked, it actually will start with'aa'

Note that with your constraints, there's no way it can be fair. But experiment a bit, and see if it meets your needs.



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