ceciliasei...@gmx.de, 23.01.2010 17:29:
> Arnaud Delobelle wrote:
>> ceciliasei...@gmx.de writes:
>>> As you were talking about list.pop()...
>>> Is anyone able to reproduce the following and explain why this happens
>>> by chance? (Using 3.1.1)
>>> l1 = ["ready", "steady", "go"]
>>> l2 = ["one", "two", "tree"]
>>> l3 = ["lift off"]
>>> for w in l1:
> Ouch... thanks Arnaud... The stable way would've been
> for w in l1[:]: #use copy of l1 for iteration
>     print(l1.pop()) #decomposite list

If the intention is to exhaust the list during the iteration, I'd go for this:

    while l1:


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