On Jan 24, 7:18 pm, Ron <ursusmaxi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sikuli is the coolest Python project I have ever seen in my ten year
> hobbyist career. An MIT oepn source project, Sikuli uses Python to
> automate GUI tasks (in any GUI or GUI baed app that runs the JVM) by
> simply drag and dropping GUI elements into Python scripts as function
> arguments. Download athttp://sikuli.csail.mit.edu/I also did this
> podcast about 
> Sikulihttp://media.libsyn.com/media/awaretek/Python411_20100124_Sikuli.mp3

Nice, thanks for the link.  Very happy to see people using Python for
cool stuff like this, also to see the alternate implementations in

And it couldn't come at a better time for me as I am trying to figure
out how to automate some GUI-only program I am forced to use at work.

Carl Banks

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