Xah Lee wrote:
Some thoughts about Python 3 Adoption.

Xah Lee, 2010-01-26

Some notes of Wikipedia readings related to Python.

Unladen Swallow, a new project from Google. It is a new python
compiler with the goal of 5 times faster than the de facto standand
implementation CPython. Also note Stackless Python, which is already
been used in some major commercial projects.

Was looking into what's new in Python 3. See: 
>From a quick reading, i don't really like it. Here's some highlights:

    * Print is now a function. Great, much improvement.
    * Many functions that return lists now returns “Views” or
“Iterators” Instead. A fucking fuck all fucked up shit. A extraneous
“oop engineering” complication. (See: Lambda in Python 3000)
    * The cmp() function used in sort is basically gone, users are now
supposed to use the “key” parameter instead. This is a flying-face-
fuck to computer science. This would be the most serious fuckup in
python 3. (See: Sorting in Python and Perl)
    * Integers by default is long. Great!
    * Much more integrated unicode support, rewrite of most its text
or string semantics. Fantastic. Finally.

Am looking because i wonder if i should switch to python 3 for my own
few scripts, and rewrite my Python Tutorial for version 3. Am also
interested to know how python 3 is received by the computing industry.
Apparantly, a little search on the web indicates that vast majority of
python base have not switched, as expected, for many good reasons.
Vast majority of major python modules and tools have not switched.
Most linux distro have not switched, i don't find any large
corporation having adopted Python 3 (Google, Yahoo, Facebook,
NASA,... ). (sources: Source, Source) Basically, such a incompatible
change with trivial, ideological improvements, is too costy to switch.

I wonder, if by 2015, will most large corporate users have switched to
python 3. I give it a maybe. In today's Proliferation of Computing
Languages, such a major antic by Guido can just hurt itself. What is
he thinking? He of course thought himself as a god of lang designer,
who sincerely wants to push towards perfection, all future-looking.
Unfortunately, the tens of other major language designers all think

perm archive of this post with possible updates here:

Any comment on this?

? http://xahlee.org/
Hello Xah,

I have no figures to base this on (just what I have read on the web), but although the vast majority of comanies with big Python investments are probably waiting for the 'critical mass' to use Python3 regularly (oil-tanker effect), I would like to think that smaller operations are experimenting with it more-and-more.

I think that for beginners who have dived into Python in the last 6-12 months (like me), it doesn't make sense to start with an older version. I do not want to learn 'old' syntax and functions of a language, only to have to learn the new versions when most developers upgrade to 3 - I might as well learn the new syntax now and be ahead-of-the-game ;-) . I know my choice of related packages (web-framework, ORM, templating-engine) is very limited at present, but there are enough branches and beta-versions around to help me with my learning-curve, and I figure there will be some full-production-releases around by the time I am 'fluent' with Python (12-18 months?).

Currently I am using Python 3.1 and CherryPy (3.20 rc1) every day, and have had no serious problems (yet).

I would be interested to hear how other people are using Python 3, and with what compatible packages.

Alan Harris-Reid

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