On Jan 27, 5:47 am, Simon Brunning <si...@brunningonline.net> wrote:
> I think Python is a little cleaner, but I'm sure you'd find Ruby fans
> who'd argue the complete opposite.

Are you sure about that?

There's a lot of line noise in Ruby. How are you supposed to pronounce
"@@"? What about "{|..| ... }"?

There's a lot of "magic" in Ruby as well. For instance, function calls
are made without parentheses. Blocks can only appear as the first
argument. There's a lot more, if you put your mind to it.

Indentation is also optional in Ruby. You can quickly fool a newbie by
not indenting your code properly, which is impossible in Python.

Python is much, much cleaner. I don't know how anyone can honestly say
Ruby is cleaner than Python.

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